Training Solutions
DKR Consulting Inc. provides both standardized and customizable training solutions for emergency services agencies, with a focus on municipal enforcement, emergency management and fire services.
Standardized Training Courses
Community Peace Officers (CPOs)
Experienced Officer Legal Studies (CPO1)
This 40 hour course is accredited by Alberta Justice Training Academy and is available to experienced correctional officers who wish to transition to become a CPO 1, or as refresher training for existing CPO 1 officers.
Course prerequisites:
Candidates are required to have completed either federal or provincial Correctional Officer Training or Alberta Court Sheriff Training.
The Experienced Officer Legal Studies Course is also suitable for current CPO 1 Officers, who may benefit from a comprehensive legal studies refresher course.
Course content includes:
Law & Criminal Justice System Review
Criminal Code of Canada
Charter of Rights and Freedoms
Peace Officer Program Review
Investigations & Documentation
Provincial Offences Procedures Act
Provincial Violation Tickets
Arrest, Detention & Release
Use of Force
Court Documents
Provincial Statutes
Search & Seizure
Traffic Enforcement
Court Preparation & Testimony
Information Officers and others tasked with providing Crisis Communication
Crisis Communications Essentials for Information Officers
This one-day (8 hour) training course is designed for anyone who is tasked with providing crisis communications for a municipality or other agency.
This course covers the following content:
Crisis Communications 101
Stages of emergency management, crisis communications plans, Director of Emergency Management, preparation-response-recovery-model, crisis communications fundamentals
Media Relations
General media relations considerations, media releases (general guidelines, FOIPPA, do’s & don’ts), message development worksheets, generic media release templates, specific incident media release templates, media interviews general information and spokesperson general guidelines
Public Information
Alberta Emergency Alerts, in-person updates at evacuation / reception centers
Crisis Writing - Practical Exercises
Message development worksheet, media release writing
Full time, part time, volunteer or community firefighters
Applied Legal Concepts for Firefighters
Firefighters are oftentimes the first on scene at an incident that is or may be criminal in nature. Think of motor vehicle collisions involving impaired drivers or a medical first or co-response that involves the victim of an assault, or a structure fire that was started by an arsonist
This course is designed to provide key information to firefighters so that they have a clear understanding of why documentation is so important and then provides practical and proven methods on how to write great notes in a notebook, prepare a witness statement and understand what it takes to be an excellent witness in Court.
This course takes 3.5 - 4 hours to complete and is designed to provide firefighters with the information, tools and templates that will help them in developing their skill sets related to:
Investigations/information gathering at scenes
Documentation of key information in pocket notebooks
Preparation of witness statements
Preparing for and providing evidence at Court
Customizable Training Solutions
Existing Level 1 Community Peace Officers (CPOs)
Modular training can be customized for existing CPOs/CPO Departments where a refresher is helpful to keep staff up to date and actioning complaints in a consistent manner across departmental lines
Any of the modules listed in the course content for the Experienced Officed Legal Studies Course can be provided singularly or in combination
Depending on the number of modules requested to be covered, this modular training could be as little as one day or up to the full 40-hour course
New or Existing Bylaw Enforcement Officers (BEOs)
Modular training can be customized for existing BEOs/BEO Departments where either initial training is required or when refresher training would provide assistance to existing staff
Current modules available for delivery include:
Introduction to Law
Charter of Rights and Freedoms
Bylaw Structure & Enforcement Considerations
Municipal Government Act
Provincial Offences Procedures Act
Provincial Tickets
Court Preparation & Testimony